Movimiento Macehualli

Adapting to the challenge of Human Rights abuses fomented and institutionalized at the highest level of state policies under the nefarious AZ SB1070 legislation, TONATIERRA moved proactively to develop a comprehensive strategy of community defense and capacity building that led to formation of Los Comités de Defensa del Barrio in 2010. Working at the grass roots community organizing level of the most vulnerable and impacted families, the Comités de Defensa del Barrio are a constellation of families who identify with the mission of TONATIERRA and work to defend the Civil Rights, Human Rights, and Indigenous Rights of Migratory Workers and their families. Meeting in weekly community assembly at the Nahuacalli, the Comités de Defensa Del Barrio design, implement and evaluate their strategies of community empowerment and defense, including a weekly radio program which reaches 20,000 listeners in the Valley of the Sun.

Weekly meetings every Monday, 6 pm, at Nahuacalli, 802 N 7th St., Phoenix AZ 85006.