Community Gardening Projects


The Centzonmilpan Community Gardening Project is a grassroots community response to the systematic community displacement and marginalization of the MeXicano Barrios in the central core of Phoenix, Arizona brought about by decades of gentrification and corporate “market driven” development characterized by environmental racism, community displacement and colonization.

Milpa Nahuacalli

The goals for our Nahuacalli milpa are to supplement the nutritional needs of our communities, to partner and strengthen long time relationships between communities crossing color lines, and to reintroduce the ceremonial relationship with the plants that are integral to our culture. The milpa as the center of the traditional lives of our Indigenous Communities allows us to reincorporate traditional songs, dances, ceremonies with the Cintli (corn), with Tlaloc (rain), and the Teotlacualli (sacred foods).  

Centzonmilpan - Barrios Unidos

Milpa Nahuacalli